Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Valuable Lessons

I think the most valuable lesson that I have learned is the potential for great teaching opportunities with using a website. I spent a lot of time on my content page because I was developing ideas of what I could do in an actual classroom. Being able to add videos and songs and pictures and links to the places that you want the students to go is so cool. My nephews and nieces love it when the teacher shows them a youtube video about the rain cycle, and they love coming home and showing me and their parents the same videos. I am and advocate for making learning fun whenever you can. If I can learn to create a fun, interactive website that they enjoy getting on they will have the opportunity to learn without really realizing that they are learning.

I also think the calendar idea is great to let parents know what assignments are due and when. I think giving the parents a clear idea of the course materials at the beginning of the year will help a lot of parents be involved in their child's education.

Here is my website (also posted in the sidebar): Perkins Education

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