Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 11 PLE

In the Bookends of War video the students all seemed to really enjoy the assignments they did using technology. When they were doing the Cyber fair Student web design contest the students seemed like they were really excited because they were creating something that is important. They are creating a website that other people can see! They are doing the types of things adults to, creating websites that will help other kids learn. This technology gives them a chance to become the teacher. Not only that, but it is a project that they can show their family which parts they did to contribute to the project. The project was so well rounded too! They drew, they planned, they worked together, they got information from a WWII Veteran. It seemed like something they would remember for years and years.

In the “Inside Kapunahala” video the students were learning to do a variety of things also. They drew and planned out story boards, they learned how to use cameras, mixing and lighting equipment. Some of them had to overcome their fears. I didn’t have a class like this until my senior year in high school, and because of it I still really enjoy creating videos. I can’t imagine how much better I would be if I had started in elementary school.

Inside Kapanahula: http://etec.hawaii.edu/etecvideos/videos/kap/

Bookends of war: http://etec.hawaii.edu/etecvideos/videos/bow/

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